[News]Our Opening.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Our Opening sales have come to an end and we are glad to say that the response we have from you girls was GREAT. From today onwards, all shoes will be charged at S$23 excluding the postage fees. But not to be disappointed, cause we will be bringing to you customers some UNISEX shoes like slip Ons and canvas shoes real soon! Moreover, we will be bringing to you new designs almost every day! So, check us out every now and then to grab the designs you want fast before it is sold out. Each and every design will only be remake to the maximum of FIVE times. Once it reaches the limit of five shoes, no remakes will be available! Other than shoes, we will be selling many kinds of handmade items which have yet to be post up.

I believe that many of you are curious on how are we going to wrap the shoes up. We will be revealing this to the public tomorrow! So, do come back to check on our latest news.

Do visit our Friend's blogshop for cool clothes, bags and even accessories!

The Octotong Shop AND Wonderland-Shop



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