DR Rewards A.K.A DR Membership

Who can become a DR Member?
Anyone who joins our mailing list will automatically become a DRmember.

How does the DR Rewards work?
Everytime you purchase something from us, DRpoints will be given to you and store in our database. The points can be accumulated and used as cash vouchers for your next purchase.
  • For every $1 spend on DR PRODUCTS, you get 0.1DRpoint.
  • For every 1 item bought from Spree/instocks, you get 0.1DRpoint.
  • 1DR point = $1.50
    Which means, for every $23 spent, you get $3.45 cash voucher.

  • When can I use my accumulated DRpoints?
    You can use them as long as you have accumulated up to the value of SGP$8.
    Accumulated points can only be used for purchasing of DR products unless otherwise stated.

    How can I check my DRpoint balance?
    Simply mail at darknessreveal@yahoo.com.sg to ask about your DRpoint balance. Do give us your particulars so that we can track for your point balance. (Eg. Name, e-mail)

    Will the DRpoints expires?
    No. It would never expires unless we are having a clean up of our system. But we will inform you 2 weeks beforehand.

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